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About ITEC

Learn. Network. Solve problems.

What is ITEC about?

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ITEC is aimed at helping the industry in the transition from conventional vehicles to advanced electrified vehicles. The conference is focused on components, systems, standards, and grid interface technologies, related to efficient power conversion for all types of electrified transportation, including electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (EVs, HEVs, and PHEVs) as well as heavy-duty, rail, and off-road vehicles and airplanes and ships.
700+ attendees

Extensive Technical Program

Two Day Expo
200+ accepted papers

IEEE's Premier Conference on Transportation Electrification

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Why attend and participate at ITEC?

Talking Points For Your Boss
  • Networking

    Network with leading innovators in electric/hybrid electric transportation.
  • Relevant Learning

    Gain knowledge through speakers from key positions in the industry.
  • Cutting-edge

    Interact with companies in the exhibit hall, learning about cutting-edge technology relevant to the transportation electrification industry.
  • Get published

    Get your work published through IEEE’s Xplore database, accessible worldwide to thousands of engineers.

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ITEC 2024

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